About Mary

Hello, my name is Jingru Yang, and Mary is the English name I started using since third grade. I am originally from Xi'an, China; Xi'an, in my mind, is a very historical city with modern inventions. Started from 2011, I have been to America for three years. In fact, I first started as an exchanged high school student and stayed in New Mexico. One year later, I decided to finish my high school year in Pennsylvania, and currently, I am an International student who is completing her sophomore year in Economics at MiraCosta College. Coming from a foreign country, I have been through many challenges and difficulties such as host families, language weakness, financial issues, transportation, and so on. Therefore, I would be very glad to answer and help any of you who are going through or would be facing similar issues through my blog. Moreover, I will be updating relevant, fresh and reliable information through my blog about MiraCosta College as well. If you are interested in following us in weibo, here is the link to our official weibo page: http://www.weibo.com/miracostaCA

大家好,我的名字是杨敬茹,从三年级起我便开始用Mary这个英文名啦。我原本是来自西安,中国;西安,对我来说是一座现代科技与悠久历史并重的城市。自2011年到现在,我已经在美国待了三年了。实际上,我最开始是以一名高中交换生的身份到了新墨西哥州去学习。一年之后,我决定在宾夕法尼亚州上完我的高中课程;而最近,我正以一名Miracosta大二经济学国际生的身份在美就读。因为我来自不同的国家, 所以一路过来也经历过了很多的挑战和困难,比如说寄宿家庭,语言的弱势,经济上的问题,交通出行工具,还有等等等等。 所以,我会非常高兴如果能通过我的博客帮助到任何一个正在或者将要面临相似问题的读者;更多的,我将会在博客上及时更新与Miracosta大学相关的,刚出炉的,可以信赖的信息。如果你对我们感兴趣的话,可以关注我们的微博账号。这是我们官方微博的网址: http://www.weibo.com/miracostaCA

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