Thursday, April 21, 2016

Here is one of my favorite professor by Connor

:John Turbeville 

(This dog raised in classroom for 2 years! He is a service dog)
  • He has a Professor of Geology and Oceanography at MiraCosta College for the past 19 years, and taught honors courses for 16 years.  
  • His undergraduate was completed at SDSU and graduate work at the University of New Orleans.

(We will spend times to do lab research will cool equipment) 
  • Before coming to the college: He worked for 14 years as a Petroleum Geologist/Geophysicist in the Rocky Mountains and the Gulf Coast regions, and overseas in Africa, Indonesia, and Europe; 3 years as a Hydrogeologist in San Diego County; and he am a Registered (Professional) Geologist in the State of California.  

  • He likes to have fun teaching and he really enjoys interacting with students. Basically he see his role as sort of a guide, both throughout the coursework and input for your future career endeavors.

  • He is interested in lots of different things. He used to raise and train service dogs, Nigel is the one shown. He like to sure, do BJJ, generally annoy my kids (15 and 17), and play music. 
(We learned how to catch a perfect wave and surf on there)

  • During class, it’s so much fun to learn everything about our mother earth OCEAN . It’s definitely not a boring class for seriously academic study; instead, we had so much fun during class for communicate with each other student through group discussion.  

Realize your Dreams at the Transfer Center by Connor

I highly recommend counseling service at Transfer Center. With help from university transfer experts, you can be able to chose class that fit in your education and career plan. You will feel way much easier to chase your dream in here. Furthermore, for preventing unnecessary class selecting and time wasting, counselor can guide you step by step to your dream school.

*MiraCosta boasts one of the highest combined UC-CSU transfer rates in the state. 

At MiraCosta Transfer Center, you can have these service:
Counseling Appointments
Three full-time counselors are available by appointment to assist you with your transfer needs including an educational plan to guide you in course selection. Drop-in counseling is available throughout each week for quick questions.
University Representatives
Admission representatives from University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and California State University, San Marcos (CSUSM) visit the Oceanside and San Elijo campuses each semester.
Admission Application Workshops
The Transfer Center offers application workshops in the fall to assist students in completing UC and CSU applications.
Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Programs
Guaranteed admission programs are available to UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Santa Cruz.
Honors Scholar Program
Students participating in the Honors Scholar Program will receive counseling from Transfer Center Counselors.
Computer workstations
Computer workstations are available for student use.
Cross-Enrollment Programs
Allows students to cross enroll for one course each semester at a CSU or each quarter at a UC campus without official admittance to the university.
College Fair
Every spring and fall many 4-year universities are represented at MiraCosta by their departments and admission representatives.
Specialized Workshops
Throughout the year presentations are held providing information on graduate programs, majors, and private school programs.

如何充分利用学校的资源 (Utilize School Resources)



Miracosta 的图书馆也很赞:

2.如果我们想找一些具体的书 文章或者资料,可以向图书馆管理员求助。我试过几次她们真的很热心效率也高,在她们的帮助下基本上几分钟我就可以找到我想要的资料。

3.在图书馆里我最喜欢的部门是writing center和tutor。writing center可以帮助大家从文章结构,逻辑,语法,用词等进行改进。每次需要提前预约,尤其是临近期中和期末考试的时候。每次writting center 的帮助时间只有30mins,所以一次是不能帮助我们完全改好正篇文章的。假如说,你写好了一篇初稿。你第一次的预约可以是,修改文章整体的逻辑,连贯性。第二次预约可以是,精挑期中一段来改写引用项目,句子结构。第三次的预约可以来改写文章的语法。

Tutor 也是一个全能的小帮手,图书馆左手边的tutor涵盖了学校几乎所有的学科。只要哪一科有所学不懂的问题,和我们一样的学生tutor (学霸们)会来帮助我们解决各项疑难杂症。

Career Center
对于还没决定自己要修什么专业的,对自己的未来事业迷茫的同学以及想要在校内工作的同学是个必去的地方。预约面谈和她们聊聊你的困惑,她们总会给出专业的建议和意见。想要在校内找份工作的同学,程序有一点麻烦要填很多表格和去申请社会安全码,但是如果着手去办无论是国际生办公室的老师还是Career Center的老师都会耐心热情的给予帮助的。

Transfer center:
专业的辅导员会帮助我们实现各种cal/uc  州立大学和加州大学 不同的转学路线。因为美国学校的要求不同,我们必须完成相应的学科才能转学,过程可谓是非常复杂。有了transfer center 的帮助,我们可以清晰的知道自己未来几年的学术路线以及转学风向。
BTW:我们国际学生可以直接在international office 预约辅导员来帮助我们。

Police Station:
除了学习以外的时间,请来miracosta 的警察局。热心又不收费的人民好警察!
