Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The World Culture Day

During fall semester, MiraCosta students from the Intercultural Communication class held the World Culture Day with the help from international students. As part of a class assignment, students were required to decorate a table and describe a culture through pictures, artifacts, music, food, and other props. The event was held outside along the fountain patio in the center of the Oceanside Campus. 

There were many cultures represented such as China, Japan, Vietnam, Hungary, Brazil, and so on. People could wander by and ask questions about the specific country that students are hosting, and some of the tables have also prepared delicious snacks and cute gifts. Here are some pictures that I would like to share with all of you!
 She is representing Beijing, China. I can't possibly miss her beautiful scarf and awesome poster!

She is representing Hungary, and she is a Japanese international student at our college.

This beautiful lady is posing for the camera as I enjoy her introduction of Brazil.

Can you tell that he is representing Russia? 

 These two young ladies are teamed up and ready to tell us about Japan! 

 He is having fun representing Venezuela~Look at his pose and the flower next to him!

 Our International Office Representative Aubrey is posing with a student. Don't both of them look like models?

 A very passionate team with delicious food and interesting conversation! Can't wait to go to Hong Kong!

 How cute is this Vietnam girl in her pink jacket! Yummy Snacks by the way!

I hope all of you enjoy reading my blog, and please feel free to ask me any questions !

Continuing on Why MiraCosta College is a great college option

Hello, everyone. I have talked about why I think MiraCosta College is one of the best options for students to start their college education. This time, I am going to share with you why do current students decide to study at MiraCosta.

Last year, the school did a poster survey around campus starting a poster with the statement:  "I WENT TO MIRACOSTA COLLEGE BECAUSE..." Many students participated by completing this sentence. Here were some of the most popular answers:
  • Tuition is very affortable
  • Beautiful views and nice San Diego weathers
  • Lots of Financial-Aid programs
  • Easy to be admitted
  • Friendly professors and Free Tutors
  • Lots of things to do around the campus/Good location
A Business major classmate who was born in China gave me a good example of why students chose to fly overseas and study at MiraCosta College. He says "When I was in China, I studied at an agency called The New East, and they offered me many options for American Colleges. Among all the schools, MiraCosta College has the best rate and reputation." He tells me that on the website of North American International Students' News, he reads about the ranking of the top community colleges in the United States. "At first, my parents didn't like the idea of me going to a community college. But after I showed them that MiraCosta College is the top 10th college in California, and it has admission guarantee programs to UC schools, they were both very happy with my decision."He says to me proudly.

At the end, I want to share with you the video of MiraCosta College's 80th anniversary celebration.